
At this point in our journey, we are focusing our efforts on raising awareness and raising funds. We want to be prepared when we take in animals that need our help! Volunteers are crucial in the success of all of our efforts. They help events run smoothly and ensure that everybody has a great experience. They use their passion to spread the importance of our mission. They provide their homes and love as a bridge to adoption. And so much more.
There are several ways you can help right now, even from the comfort of your own home! Here are some examples:
Help Locally or From Home - Volunteer as a Purposeful Partner without having to leave the comfort of your home or community. Help process applications, secure donors, apply for grants, coordinate events and so much more.
Advocate for Pets in Your Community – Become a local advocate, working to make sustainable changes that save lives.
Volunteer at Events – Each year A Purposeful Life hosts events (some bigger, some smaller) in which we can use all the help we can get. From brainstorming ideas, coordination, donation requests to promoting and day of event support.
Foster - In most circumstances, we focus on the needs of our community first. We welcome animals that are being surrendered due to their families facing health, financial or housing concerns. We also assist area shelters in the placement of animals that are being housed in overcrowded conditions or suffering from injuries or medical needs where being in a home environment helps them heal and get well. In order to transfer these animals into our rescue, we need support from people and families willing to provide temporary care, until we are able to find their forever homes. Please see our Foster Page to learn more about this extremely important role.
Experience the feeling of purpose and fulfillment that helping animals brings. Regardless where you choose to volunteer, your efforts, no matter how big or small, truly make a difference.